If you are unsure whether your address is residential or not, refer to our Shipping policies (below)
Orders are shipped via FedEx. FedEx's definition of "Residential Address" is: - a home or private residence - locations where a business is operated from a home. - A residence where products are sold and/or distributed - Rectory / Convent / Parsonage - Multiple-unit dwellings, such as Apartments, Condominiums, College Dorms
Please accurately reflect the residential status of your address.
This assortment includes 480 Individually Packaged 18" foil balloons. (48 different styles, 10 of each) These balloons are individually packed so they can be conveniently stored and displayed in our *FREE SPINNER RACK. (rack is only free when purchased as part of this assortment, and you must pay shipping on rack only & typically $15-$20 depending on your location). Rack color is normally black. THE SHIPPING CHARGE FOR THE RACK WILL BE ADDED ON AFTER WE PROCESS YOUR ORDER